Saturday, May 7, 2011

Muslim and Richie Bitch

So a couple days ago about 3 hours before my organic chemistry exam, I was chillin in this quiet study area. Then a guy comes in and says watch his stuff so Im like aights. He comes back and asks if I want anything to eat. Im like what? No thanks I just ate. He says alright, just offering because he doesnt like to eat and others are in the room not eating. I still say no thanks because I ate earlier already and was quite full. He was eating some of that student center southern tsunami sushi and a bag of funyuns. Then he struck up a conversation of what I was majoring in and what exams I had. It then drifted to our cultures and how the Midwest is very segregated when it comes to mixing of cultures. But its finally changing he says. He says hes from Cali and how everyone mixes together and topics get brought up that usually dont in the Midwest.

Then we got into a discussion about Islam. Now this guy was definitely very faithful and knowledgeable about his faith and he just wanted to spread the word that Islam is not a religion of the sword. Its a very beautiful religion and a religion of seeking knowledge. A couple minutes later he says he has to pray and something very interesting he said inspired me. He says he is not afraid to pray in public if he has to since Muslims have to pray 5 times a day and prostate to their Lord. The only reason he wasnt going to pray outside was because it was about to storm. Then he says he would pray outside if it wasnt storming because "A man can only do so much harm to another man. But God sees you everywhere and knows all and can damn you to Hell." He says hes not afraid of any man, he has no reason to be. Thats pretty cool I thought to myself. I mean it is true in a way no matter what religion you are, with some minor tweekings. Then he proceeded to pray in the room we were in and once he finished we returned to our conversation. He was a real nice polite person and I friended him on FB.

He told me the first words from God to Mohammad was "ikra" prolly not the right spelling but it means "read." Islam is a religion of knowledge he says. Thats what really struck out to me the most because he's right! When the western world was soiling around in their own shit in the dark ages, the Islamic world was teaching people to read and writing books on math and science. Just something for y'all mofos to think about is all.

So another person I met was a lady I call Richie Bitch. This was at Goodwill. I found a nice shirt I wanted to buy and got in line behind this white lady. The other lines were full and she was the only one at this particular line. I didnt notice she had a whole bunch of shit to buy and thought it doesnt matter shes almost done anyway, how long could this take. WRONG! Biyotch took forever! She bought too big ass bags of clothes and a shit ton of shoes! Now Ill describe her. He was about 5 foot on heels so Im guessing prolly 4 foot 10 inches otherwise, had a big ass Louis Vuitton purse, blonde, prolly around 30+ years old, teeth braces and wearing sunglasses inside! She looked like a hot mom pretty much. [Picture not related] Her total was about $100 when I rolled up and waiting 25 minutes it was brought up to $170! That is ridiculous! You wanna know why it took so goddamn long?

Ill tell you fools why! She was gossiping and shit with the cashier! Now Im a pretty patient person but that cashier and Richie Bitch shouldve ended their conversation and let me pay for my shit! They knew I was standing there, its not like I was invisible. People behind me who had left to go to other lines had already paid and left and when I was thinking about doing the same, the other lines got really full again so I was stuck pretty much. I wanted to just hang in there. I was the only person behind Richie Bitch. After 10 minutes of ringing her shit up and another 15 minutes of straight "girl talk", I was so fed up, I decided to put my shirt back up on the rack and leave. As I turn around, the cashier was lookin at me all weird and says "are you ready?" I was about to blast that bitch in the face! Cashier apologizes and says something about women together and shit so I was like whatever bitch, just ring my shit up.

I brought the shirt back up because it was a nice shirt and you know what Richie Bitch tells me? "Im so sorry. Women like to talk you know. Lemme pay for your shirt."


This rich white bitch did not just ask to pay for my shit. That is the biggest insult to me ever! Because shes rich and think money will fix everything she wants to pay for my shirt? No way bitch! She wasted my time and then she thinks a little bit of money will make up for it? Now some people might take her offer, but to me, Fuck that ho! I dont give a fuck about your money! Comes to show you how some rich ass people think. I was pulling out of the parking lot and I see this bitch loading all her shit into a big ass silver SUV. I was heola pissed off at that point because not only was she shopping at Goodwill being all rich and shit but I heard her talking to the cashier she was gonna flip this shit for more money at her "Shop" and wanted to know the locations of other Goodwills. Im not entirely sure I heard correctly but if that shit was for reals, I will have to choke a bitch!

Thats the most ridic thing Ive ever heard!

But anyways I bought a nice shirt from that experience. There was some REAL TALK in this post! Peace motherfuckers!