Friday, February 12, 2010

Aight so theres recently been some talk about racism since on campus there has been a hate crime. Some white guy called a black chick the n word which is a crime in my state and he was arrested after being pointed out by the victim.. She had called up the BSA(Black Student Alliance) at my university and they charged him and etc. Not sure if he was expelled or suspended but he was arrested by campus police as what the newspaper says.

He had also said something along the lines of "Imma lynch you" which is considered a threat here in my hometown. A lot of blacks students are saying he should be expelled as a showing that racism and intolerance of races will not be tolerated one bit on campus. In my opinion, Im a real mother fucker so I couldnt care less what your color of your skin is.

Youre a person, Im a person. But for reals tho! People should be able to hate whatever they want even if its a person! I hate nasty smelling Indians! I should be arrested man. People are still allowed to hate and discriminate white people tho cause that is completely acceptable.

Whats wrong with hating?
Now thats some real motherfuckin talk.
What do yall think?

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