Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sad my favorite thing is so far away

My favorite thing in the whole wide world? Its really really cold water. And you know where you can get really really cold water from? From a goddamn sink! BUUUUUT, my sink doesnt pour out that amazing, delicious cold water anymore since the pipes are all warmed up because of this weather. Now I have to wait for like six months before it gets refreshing again. Oh wells.

Oh yeah, at work today, I was standing by this old lady. Then I smelt something really good. The smell of spam! I fucking love spam. I was like "Girl, I could sniff you all day old lady". I dont know why people dont like spam. Its fuckin delicious. Fry dem shits up, microwave them shits up, bake or grill dem shits up. Its all good baby. That picture is spam musubi. Its a Hawaiian-Japanese food. Sort of like sushi but with spam. ITS SO EFFIN GOOD YO! RICE, SPAM, SEAWEED, BOMB! SPAM MUSUBI! Eff you if you dont like spam. Grew up eating meat from a can my whole life. But for real tho, that old lady smelt heola good. I dont know how, but she doin it right attracting young and troubled bucks like me.

On another note, its been about 3 weeks of no smokin. Shits good for your health man. Ive noticed Ive gained weight though. Usually I smoked so I wouldnt feel hungry but I been eating a lot more because of it. Read thats pretty normal though. Ate some roast duck and thread noodle cake today, prolly gonna have it for lunch tomorrow. Good stuff. Drankin on some malt liquys too, an Ol' Eazy Fody. Thats all for now from the randomness of a motherfucker. Real talk once again! Real talk all the time!

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